Building our profile with Hotels, Restaurants and contract Caterers
Here at Smart Soda we understand the importance of providing a drinks platform that is innovative, sustainable, compact, healthier and easy for your teams and customers to use. We know we have a great product. But who are the people behind the idea? How did they come about building this disruptive healthier drinks brand in the UK? More importantly – what is their favourite flavour!
Where did you grow up?
Although I was born just outside Winchester, I grew up in Fleet, so am a true Hampshire Hog! My parents lived in the same house for 50 years, near Fleet Pond, so it was a very stable, as well as beautiful environment.
Did you always want to work in the Hospitality Industry?
Yes, ever since I completed a one day placement at a hotel near Basingstoke, when I was at Sixth Form College. I then studied for a 4 year degree in Hotel Management in Leeds. The year out I spent at The Cavendish, next to Fortnum and Mason, in Jermyn Street which was a highlight. Hard work, long hours but a real feeling of achievement and being ‘in the heart of things’ in the West End. We also looked after many celebrities such as George Best, who was one of my schoolboy hero’s. He was a regular guest.
Who has been your biggest influence?
Tricky one as I think many people have had an influence on me. Certainly my parents and my wife would be the main ones. I have known my wife since I was 17, so I’m definitely a much better person for knowing her.
In three words, how would friends describe you?
Reliable, caring and (hopefully!) fun.
How did your career lead you to where you are now?
Following working in the hospitality industry in Michigan and London, together with Mark Butterfield, I was a founder member of The UK Water Group. This start up business pioneered mains fed, filtered drinking water systems. We spent 7 years replacing the big bulky plastic water bottles which had become popular in the workplace and became the market leader in the UK. During that time we briefly met Lior Shafir (now CEO of Smart Soda Inc.) in London who many years later asked us to set up Smart Soda in the UK.
What are you most proud of achieveing?
Personally it would be having three great children, who are all now carving out their own lives as fantastic people. Between them they’ve worked, lived and studied in San Francisco, Sydney, Cardiff, Dubai, Holland, Melbourne, Tanzania and London!
Business-wise it would be helping to set up the European Drinking Water Association and becoming it’s first chairman. We set standards for the industry which are still being used today.
Physically it would have to be canoeing from Calshot, near Southampton, to the Isle of Wight and back in a day.
What most interested you in joining Smart Soda?
For most of my career I have been helping to reduce single use plastic bottles of water, whether the large office ones or smaller individual ones. I then researched flavoured water systems as I saw this as being the next step to help reduce plastic soda and flavoured water drinks. We found some systems specifically aimed at gyms and leisure centres, so began distributing those before we were contacted by Lior Shafir. He had developed the perfect drinks platform in the US and was looking for a UK partner. It was an easy decision to say ‘yes’.
What do you like to do to relax?
I have always enjoyed sport, both playing and watching. Tennis, cycling and walking are my active pursuits and recently gardening since moving into a brand new house with a blank canvas! The local Church is also very important to me and I have been involved in various activities over many years. Currently helping at the Church Youth Club, I even ‘endured’ Thorpe Park with them recently!
Favourite sports team?
As mentioned above, I have the ability to watch almost any sport on TV. The England teams for Cricket, Football and Rugby would be particularly enjoyable. Club wise, Southampton is my Football Team, since being a member with my son since he was a young child.
Favourite Smart Soda flavour?
Interesting question….it can change during the day and depending on my mood! The great thing about having a selection is that you can try different ones depending on taste. However, overall Orange Crush is probably my favourite, followed by Strawberry Watermelon (still can’t quite believe it’s zero sugar!).
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of a Smart Soda Drinks Dispenser read our blog Office Benefits.
To meet Ian or one of our experienced team, contact us now by clicking the button below.